Sunday, September 19, 2010

DSDN 171 blog assignment 7

When it comes to my approach to design I try to be as unbiased as possible. As far as my cultural background goes I would be classed as a New Zealand European despite my heritage. My great grandparents were Maori and German my dads family have a Scottish heritage as you can probably tell by my name.
Regardless of my families Maori background it does not affect my opinion on design, I am not a believer in the 'from Maori, for Maori' approach and think the alienation and categorization of design is backwards. Only through the integration and acceptance of all cultural and religious beliefs can we move forward as designers. This does not mean I am against the appreciation of such culture but design has to be contemporary. Artists such as Rachael Rakena have realised Maori design can move away from traditions such as whakairo, ta moko and raranga without going so far as to convert to a Euro centric view, or as Tracey recognised, accepting the universalising of design.
My view on design is mostly independent, I have no family with artistic background and my role models were and are my teachers. I went to an all boys school where creativity was sometimes confined within technically based subjects such as graphics and design, which led me to my unique style of constructive sketching.
In my opinion my background, whether it be my schooling, culture or sex does not dictate my design, I believe who I am as a designer is yet to be decided and that is why I am here. I approach design in the way I see fit at the time and it changes everyday.

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